
Digital Gardening

How do you explain digital leadership and culture to people? Especially people who aren’t experts in digital technology or who lack digital confidence? Since joining Jisc’s Advice Team, I’ve regularly found myself coming back to one metaphor when explaining: the work we do the role of digital leadership the nature of digital culture Digital gardening. I’m […]


Fighting the fixed mindset generation…

EDUCAUSE is an American membership organisation with over 80,000 members and showcases the best thinking in higher education IT. At their recent annual conference, I attended a presentation by Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology and Data Chief, and Digital Officer at the University of California. Tom discussed and elaborated on the essential characteristics he […]

Blog Conferences Podcast

Global perspectives on digital leadership, hybrid working and the power of questioning

Gaining insights from a global audience allows Jisc to enlighten our membership on international trends and activities, which can be invaluable for UK members when planning for success. John Sumpter spoke about digital leadership and preparing institutions for a bright future from a UK perspective at a recent EdMedia Conference in New York in June […]

Blog Conferences

Connect More 2022

Leading an Effective Digital Organisation Session at Connect More 4th May 2022 Leading an effective digital organisation is a complex and challenging journey that requires a passion for technology and inspiring people from across an organisation. How do you do that? How do you achieve your digital goals? How have others done it? These are […]

Blog Podcast

Digifest 2022 Leading an Effective Digital Organisation

Leading an effective digital organisation is a complex and challenging journey that requires a passion for technology and inspiring people from across the organisation. How do you do that? How can these digital goals be achieved? On the 8th March 2022,  John Sumpter, Debbie Baff and Zac Gribble held a round table discussion at #Digifest22 […]