
Looking at the Digital Future

As this year gets going, how are you feeling about the digital future? Maybe you’re feeling bleak. You might not think it is going to be as bad as the Matrix or the Terminator but in your mind it’s not far off. After all, 2024 was regularly filled with warnings about the existential threat that […]


Could Negative Thinking Be the Key to Successful Digital Transformation?

How engaging with challenging and diverse perspectives can foster preparedness, avoid groupthink, and lead to better outcomes.


Is the know-do gap holding your digital transformation back?

Why do staff hesitate to adopt tools or methods they know are beneficial? This blog explores practical ways to close the know-do gap and turn vision into action.


5 Essentials for Vision and Strategy

As part of her 12 weeks as an Advice Team intern Tiffany Sobowale was able to observe and join in with the work of the Digital leadership and culture programme team.  The internship gave her an opportunity to better understand Jisc’s work, to provide support to members, and experience the place of digital leadership and […]


Getting creative with collaboration

Collaboration can be creative! Here are three innovative approaches to enhance cross team collaboration Introduction Our recent blogs have delved into digital leadership and strategy, topics that continue to be popular and ignite discussions in our online forums. Moreover, leaders also seek innovative methods to unlock the potential of our best asset—people. In this blog, […]


Unleashing Digital Transformation: Insights from 50 Vision for Change Workshops

The delivery of our the 50th Vision for Change workshop prompted us to reflect on the insights from colleagues across the post-16 sector where the workshop served as a vehicle for educators to explore how the current digital landscape must evolve if they are to progress their digital adoption plans. The Workshop Experience Once a […]


Traits for Future Digital Leaders

What five traits do you imagine digital leaders will need in five years’ time?  That’s the question we asked digital leaders to consider at Digifest 24 as part of the community hub. There was a wide range across the 111 words that people put forward. Perhaps inevitably, it didn’t neatly produce a top five but […]


The Digital Mindset – Book Debrief

In our book debriefs we’re looking to share recommendations on great books to support the work of digital leaders.  Today we’re looking at Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley’s “The Digital Mindset”. You don’t have to know everything You don’t have to be an expert in all things digital.  That is the key takeaway from Paul […]


Update your digital strategy to keep ahead

  Along with New Year resolutions, January is an ideal time to ask questions about your digital strategy, such as, does it encourage programme flexibility and how effectively is it promoting carbon reduction? Introduction Digital leaders are innovators and some reading this blog may remember the early days of computer assisted learning. Nowadays, digital is […]


Digital Gardening

How do you explain digital leadership and culture to people? Especially people who aren’t experts in digital technology or who lack digital confidence? Since joining Jisc’s Advice Team, I’ve regularly found myself coming back to one metaphor when explaining: the work we do the role of digital leadership the nature of digital culture Digital gardening. I’m […]