
Getting creative with collaboration

Collaboration can be creative! Here are three innovative approaches to enhance cross team collaboration


Our recent blogs have delved into digital leadership and strategy, topics that continue to be popular and ignite discussions in our online forums. Moreover, leaders also seek innovative methods to unlock the potential of our best asset—people. In this blog, we suggest three creative ideas to enhance cross-team collaboration.

Our Digital Elevation Tool (DET)  encourages leaders to ask themselves if they are,

‘Promoting ways of collaborating that change the way staff work and interact with one another in a digital environment’. 

With the above statement in mind, here are three approaches leaders can use to foster better cross team collaboration. 

Cultivate a collaborative mindset 

A collaborative mindset emphasises the value of teamwork and cooperation to achieve shared goals. Phrases like “shared vision,” “open communication,” and “fostering an enabling culture” are common.

On the other hand, ‘appreciating differences’ often receives less focus. By fostering a collaborative mindset, we can more effectively leverage the diversity within our teams to address challenges.

How might you encourage a collaborative mindset in your team?

Seek opportunities for hybrid teams

Digital technologies have revolutionised many facets of our daily lives, including the way we work. By leveraging digital devices to access platforms like Microsoft Teams, leaders can effortlessly unite individuals with diverse perspectives and experiences to foster innovative ideas.

Our Digital Elevation Model can support leaders to create an ‘inherent culture of using digital tools where appropriate’. While our Framework for Digital Transformation in Higher Education encourages leaders to invest ‘in digital environments for both internal and external collaboration’.

Hybrid working offers several benefits such as allowing individuals greater control over their work-life balance. Flexible working arrangements can also boost employee engagement, and improve retention.

How might you encourage better use of technology for this style of working?

The Open Kitchen approach

Open-style work and living spaces have become common features. Restaurants often adopt an ‘open kitchen’ concept to enhance transparency for customers and create a better working environment for the staff. This open style involves removing walls or barriers to create a unified space, connecting areas that were traditionally separated. The workspace transforms into a shared hub where people can interact and exchange ideas.

The Open Kitchen Revolution (OKR) takes this concept further by purposefully creating environments that encourage transparency, foster collaboration, and align everyone’s efforts toward common goals. It can help teams to be more customer-centred and goal oriented.

Our Framework for Digital Transformation in Higher Education highlights how digital technologies can be used to encourage collaboration by using project teams and working groups, thus enabling stakeholder to work together to achieve goals. 


Implementing these approaches can be challenging, particularly in environments where traditional teamwork methods are deeply rooted. Consider discussing concepts like the open kitchen or fostering a collaborative mindset with your colleagues. They might share similar thoughts, and together you can introduce these ideas. Alternatively, identify a project where you can agree to make hybrid working a core activity for achieving the project’s objectives.

If you are using these (or other) methods to improve teamwork share your experience with us via our community at the Digital Leadership and Culture Forum. 

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