Leading an effective digital organisation is a complex and challenging journey that requires a passion for technology and inspiring people from across the organisation. How do you do that? How can these digital goals be achieved?
On the 8th March 2022, John Sumpter, Debbie Baff and Zac Gribble held a round table discussion at #Digifest22 in Birmingham to talk through this very problem.
Digifest was attended by over 700 people in person and 1300+ online. For our session, we had great engagement and a packed room full of very enthusiastic participants.
During the session, we asked participants to share their thoughts and ideas and map them on a canvas covering aspects related to challenges and opportunities, their vision of what an effective digital organisation would look like, and the steps and actions that would be needed to get to the end goal.
John Sumpter and Debbie Baff discuss some of the key takeaways and highlights from the session in this podcast. This is available below, or alternatively, you may wish to read the transcript below.
Transcription of Podcast Leading an Effective Digital Organisation Digifest 2022
Key Takeaways include :
- Challenges and Opportunities
- Vision
- Actions and Next Steps
If you would like to drill down further into the specific contributions, a curation of all participants’ responses can be found on this Miro Board.
If you would like to read more about organisational culture, you may be interested in our recent blog post ‘Building the foundations of a digital culture‘ over on the main Jisc website. Our Leadership and Culture web page also has links to additional guides and resources that you may find helpful.
Reference: Podcast music by Coma-Media from Pixabay